Monday, August 31, 2009


You are a gift my precious son
That God decreed to us
To bring love and life and laughter
Into this happy home

Like a helpless little angel
That strayed away from heaven
So sweet, so soft, so pure you lay
Like a shining pearl in an oyster white.

Life centered round your cradle
For Mum and Dad and Big Brother
Your instant smiles and sudden tears
The talk of the day from morn till night.

The first smile that showed a milky tooth
The first step that made you stumble
The first word that you lisped with triumph
Were great news that brought delight.

But time the speedster rushes by
Sparing none its magic touch
As birthday candles grew in number
The cradle bars gave way to you.

Gone are the days when your tiny hand
Held my thumb and watched with wonder
The world around in its glory and splendour

A bruised knee, a broken toy
Shattered your little world of joy
But a hug, a kiss or a tender word
Brought blossoms back to your tearstained face.

Gone are those days of angry screams
Of measles, mumps and running nose
And sleepless nights with tummy aches.

As now you stand at the gates of youth
Brave and strong and full of life
A constant prayer my heart does make
To hold you above all spite and fear
To teach you face all odds and falls
To keep you away from drugs and booze.

When your heart aches or spirit wanes
Know your mother is always there
On earth or in heaven she’ll always reach out
To soothe your soul and wipe your tears
For you never grow up in your mother’s love.

So, sing the song of life my son
Be it of mirth or sorrow deep
For it is not the song that counts
But the melody you make of it.

For Sanju 18th October 1989

1 comment:

  1. Wow! what a lovely poem...

    How well you have put into words the feeling that most mother's feel for their children..
